Minggu, 20 Juli 2014

rpp smp


Satuan Pendidikan                : SMPN 1 Ngadiluwih
Subject study                         : Bahasa Inggris
Class/Semester                       : VII/Seven
Material                                   :,Introduction
Time                                       : 2 meeting (4 JP)

A.      Kompetensi Inti
KI.1 Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
KI.2 Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.
KI.3Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.
KI.4 Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.
B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian
1. Kompetensi dasar
1.1. Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional
2.1 Menghargai perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi antar pribadi  dengan guru dan teman.
3.1  Understanding social funtion, structure texts, element of language in expressing of introduce myself and the respon appropriate with using of contexts.

4.1 Arrange simple texts in oral and writen to explain, asking, and reponding introduce myself with very short , simple and attention social function, structure of text, and true element of language based on the konteks. benar dan sesuai konteks
2. Indikator pencapaian kompetensi
Sebagai bukti bahwa siswa mensyukuri mendapat kesempatan belajar Bahasa Inggris:  
Siswa menggunakan sapaan secara nyata ketika bertemu dengan orang-orang di sekitarnya.
Siswa menggunakan ungkapan perkenalan diri dalam situasi yang nyata.  
Siswa menggunakan ungkapan berpamitan/berpisah dalam situasi yang nyata. 
Siswa menggunakan ungkapan terima kasih dalam situasi yang nyata. 
Siswa menggunakan ungkapan permintaan maaf dalam situasi yang nyata 
2.1.1. Siswa menyapa orang-orang di sekitarnya dengan cara yang santun dan berterima.

2.1.2. Siswa memperkenalkan diri dengan cara yang santun dan berterima.

2.1.3. Siswa berpamitan/berpisah dengan cara yang santun dan berterima.

2.1.4. Siswa berterima kasih dengan cara yang santun dan berterima.

2.1.5. Siswa meminta maaf dengan cara yang santun dan berterima.
3.1.1        observe introduction of the teacher used english language accurately.
3.1.2        observe the sentence by sentence, content of message and element of language that used in introduction with the teacher’s repeatation clearly..
3.1.3        repeat every sentence about introduction by the teacher intruction fluently..
3.1.4        asked the question about the differences introduction in english language and indonesian language, with the teacher’s guide acceptable.
3.1.5        heard and show the examples interection of introduction in english language from the movie,cassete etc accurately.
3.1.6        reapeat example interection of introduction, true intonation, sterss, and attitude, by the teacher’s example fluenlty.

4.1.1        identify the characteristic of sosial function,  structure of the texs, element of language in introduction by the teacher direction acceptable.
4.1.2        compare expressing of introduction that collect from the sources.
4.1.3        The students get feedback from the teacher and friends about social function and element of language that used.
4.1.4        The students used english language to introduce myself.
4.1.5        pronounce with true statment, intonation,stessing, and write a sentence with true spelling and tandabaca.
4.1.6        Producing and practice the text of dialog about introduction  with the pathner

C.      The porpuse of study

After doing activity of study, The students are able to:
First meeting:
1.1  The students are able to observe the picture about introduction of the teacher used english language accurately.
1.2  The students are able to  observe the sentence by sentence, content of message and element of language that used in introduction with the teacher’s repeatation clearly..
1.3  The students are able to reapet every sentence about introduction by the teacher intruction fluently..
1.4  The students are able to asked the question about the differences introduction in english language and indonesian language, with the teacher’s guide acceptable.
1.5  The students are able to heard and show the examples interection of introduction in english language from the movie,cassete etc accurately.
1.6  The students are able to reapeat example interection of introduction, true intonation, sterss, and attitude, by the teacher’s example fluenlty.
After doing activity of study, The students are able to:
Second meeting:
1.7  identify the characteristic of sosial fungtion, texts structure, element of language in introduction by the teacher direction acceptable.
1.8  The students find other expresing that can use in introduce myself.
1.9   The students get feedback from the teacher and friends about social fungtion and element    of language that used.
1.10          The students used english language to introduce myself.
1.11          pronounce with true statment, intonation,stessing, and write a sentence with true spelling and funtuation.
1.12          Producing and practice the text of dialog about introduction  with the pathner.
D.      Method of study
1.         Contextual Teaching and Learning = Pembelajaran kontekstual
2.         Communicative Language Teaching = Pembelajaran komunikatif

The steps of study    
First meeting
a.         preface(10 minutes )
1) The teacher doing greating used english language to build English environment.
2) The teacher doing check attendence list.
3) The teacher asked to the one of student to lead pray together.

b.        Core activity (60 minutes)
1)      The students observe example of introduce myself.
2)      The students try to pronounce expresing that used in intruce myself. Example Let me introduce myself, My name is …., What is your name?
3)     The students pronounce expressing that used to respond expresing of introduce myself, like My name is …., Nice to meet you.
4)     The students give question about expressing of meaning and sosial function by the teacher instruction
5)     The students are able to heard and show the examples interection of introduction in english language from the movie,cassete etc accurately.
6)     The students are able to reapeat example interection of introduction, true intonation, sterss, and attitude, by the teacher’s example fluenlty
Second meeting
a.      preface(10 minutes )
1) The teacher doing greating used english language to build English environment.
                     2) The teacher doing check attendence list
               b.   Core activity (60 minutes)
7) the students identify the characteristic of sosial fungtion, texts structure, element of language in introduction by the teacher direction
8) The students find other expresing of intoduction that can use in introduce myself.
9) The students get feedback from the teacher and friends about social fungtion and element of language that used
10)   The students used english language to introduce myself.
11)  The students pronounce with true statment, intonation,stessing, and write a sentence with true spelling and funtuation

12)  The students producing and practice the text of dialog about introduction  with the pathner
b. Clossing
1)   The teacher and the students make summery about the material that thought in this meeting together..
2)   The teacher give question to the students to help them doing reflection to the activity of study that they done.
3)   The teacher give the duty to the students to practice expressing of introduce myself and gine a notes to the students that doing expressing of introduce myself.
4) The teacher explain about  schdule of study nett time.
E.     Source of study
Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. (2013). Bahasa Inggris: When English Rings the Bell. Jakarta: Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.
F.     Scoring


  Mengetahui                                                                           Guru Mata Pelajaran
  Kepala SMP

_______________                                                                         ________________
NIP. ...                                                                                                NIP. ...

Lampiran 1: Intrumen Penilaian
Lampiran 2: Rubrik Penilaian
Scoring of Instrumen
First meeting

Task (situationi) To check students ability used expression of introduce myself, the left card to students A and the right card to students B.
                        A                                                                                 B
You as Intan, age 13 years old, she school in Nabrie 1 Junior Hight School. She live in Nabire.The hobby is Playing basket ball. The favorite collor is yellow, and the favorite food is Dadar eggs. You meet with someone. Introduce yourself first to him. Ask to him, about his name, age, wher he live?, hobbies,his school, and his favorite food.

You as Asep, age 14 years old, school in Junior hight school 2 Cirebon, live in Cirebon. Your hobby is football, your favorite collor is blue, favorite food is friend chicken. You meet with your friend. Your friend wiil bne introduce herself to you. Asked to him about age, school, hobby, favorite collor, wher he live?.

Second meeting


You as Nurma, age 12 years old, school in the Junior hight school 1 Pasarbaru, live in Pasarbaru.Your hobby is Singing, your favorite color is brown, and your favorite food is fresh fish. You meet with your friend. Introduce yourself first to him. Asked question to him, what is his name?, his age, where he live?, his hobby, favorite color and food.

You as Arief, age 13 years old, Scholl in Junior hight School Jepara, live in Jepara. Your hobbies is Listening music. Your favorite colloe is green, and your favorite food is noodle. You meet wit someone. Your friend will introduce hersef first to you. Ask to him about age, school,her favorite collor and food.

There are 4 aspect which scoring in speaking test above::
1.      Fluency, with score  5 if more fluency,
Score 4 if fluency,
Score 3 if fluency enought
Score 2 if fluency less
Score 1 if not fluency
2.      Pronouncee, with score 5 if pronounce perpect enought,
Score 4 if there is a correct but not influence the meaning.,
Score 3 if there are wrong in pronounce and discrube a meaning.,
Score 2 if there are a lot of wrong pronounce and discrube a meaning. makna,
Score 1 if there is a lot of wrong pronounce and difficult to understand.
3.      Intonation, with    Score 5 if doing perfect in pronounce.
Score 4 if there are a correct but not discrube the word.
Score 3 if there are a coreect and discrube a meaning.,
Score 2 if there are a lot of correct and discrube a meaning.
Score 1 if there are a lot of correct and difficult to understand.
4.      Diction,    with      Score 5 if very variatif and appropriate.
Score 4 if variatif and appropriate.
Score 3 if variatif and appropriate enought.
Score 2 if variatif and appropriate less.bila
Score 1 if not variatif and not appropriate.

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